The Scoop

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sochu -_-

Good weekend last weekend. I didn’t do as much as usual, but it is nice to relax and relatively bum it once in a while. Work on Saturday went well. I was rested and enjoyed all of my classes. A couple of them got cancelled, due to students not showing up and I was able to get a head-start on this weeks prep. It was very helpful as I didn't feel too hot today (I’ll explain later) and was a bit busy, so I needed the extra time today. I was also able to make a sale of self-study material, which kept the pressure off a bit. I’m grateful for the ease of my present situation and it further helps that I think the student will benefit from and probably enjoy the material he purchased. A good Saturday, overall. After work, a co-worker and I hit my favorite Curry place and I took it easy for the rest of the evening. Felt good.

On Sunday, I was finally able to finish my Christmas shopping, to my great relief, and make a little trip out of the errand. The city I did it in was one of the big tourist stops here (Asakusa), but I checked out a different attraction than Senso-ji. My next-door neighbor in Irvine had a Japanese exchange student homestaying with her, whom I have recently been in touch with, and she told me about a really good ramen shop there. Naturally, I had to go and am so glad I did. I have a new favorite ramen place. The meal was amazing; I hadn’t even eaten breakfast and I was sooo full when I was finished . . . I couldn’t eve slurp down the soup 0_0 Anywho, I walked around some while and after I shopped and then later bummed it at home for the rest of the afternoon and night. A good day.

On Monday, I did all my chores, caught up with some friends back in the US and was fortunate enough to meet up with a long lost friend here. A co-worker from In-N-Out had come here 6 years ago a year after he graduated and he never went back. He is now married with a young child and seems to be doing really well. We had some dinner and a few drinks at the local izakaya. It was really nice catching up and also quite a learning experience learning experience as I was really interested in his job. We talked about stuff like that for about 3 hours and it definitely left an impression with me. I’m looking forward to hanging out with him again. . . and I wanna meet his boy lol.

Today was a good day even though I was feeling the effects of a few too many drinks from the night before. Got my work out in, enjoyed my Japanese lesson with my co-worker and survived work just fine with mild ill affect haha. I’ll be turning in early tonight though! Anyway, I had another good kid moment today. My genius 5 year old likes Michael Jackson a lot and his mom requested that I try to teach him to sing some of the songs in class if I could. Well I totally had time today and I taught him a piece of ABC by Jackson five . . . he and mom liked it ^_^ I also noticed that he expresses himself to me in English a lot more recently. It’s very encouraging. He may be better than me at English some day. The rest of the kids’ classes went ok. I don't like the lesson for today and since I wasn’t feeling too hot, class didn’t go as well as I liked, but they could have been worse for sure. Hopefully I am better tomorrow and won’t have any problems.

We’ll see!

Friday, November 20, 2009


The cold has finally come to my town. I have been consistently wearing a scarf with my outfit when going out and wearing long sleeved garments when around the house. That’s only cause I am too cheap to use the heater most of the time though LOL. Of course, I intend to use it if you ever stay over at my place; I’m not that cheap haha. I like this weather though and have always enjoyed it. I don't feel sticky or gross all the time and it is easier to get warm than to stay cool, for me. I will definitely be enjoying the weather over the next 4 or 5 months.

Work has been going well. Still busy as I expected, but it has been nice to not worry bout prep as well as all these other responsibilities I have had to pay attention to. The open houses have gone well enough. Actually, only one Mom showed up yesterday, so it was pretty much a none-issue. On the other hand, all but one showed up for today’s class though. I was kinda worried as this class is probably my biggest problem class and I was expecting a somewhat tough time with them and the parents having problems. Fortunately, my students decided to help me out and actually play like well behaved and invested students and the class went better than it has in a long time. Whew! I have one tomorrow, which I think will go just fine, but the Moms are really involved and I fear any dissatisfaction. We shall see how it goes 0_0

Other than that; I have no real news or thoughts to report. Just gotta keep on top of my rest, so that I don't get sick amidst this change of weather. I hope all is well and miss you <3

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weekend report

This past weekend was a great one! After work on Saturday, I just vegged in my apartment and did whatever while watching a couple of movies. It is nice to go brain numb every once in a while. On Sunday, I took care of some chores and refused to stay indoors since the weather was so freakin beautiful. I headed out to find this park in my city (that had alluded me one night back in the summer) and was successful in doing so it. It is a wonderful little spot. A perfect place to, go walk off some steam, go for a walk (even a romantic one with a date), or just forget the civilization that surrounds you all together for a bit. I walked around most of it and was really taken aback by its peacefulness even though a good amount of people were there. Every one I saw seemed happy and in high spirits. I took some pictures and did some good thinking and am looking forward to late May or June when the fireflies are supposed to be out and about.

After the park, I had hip-hop class and it went well as usual. Like I said before, the classmates are getting used to me and getting friendlier every week. It's a refreshing experience every time I go. After class I stayed after and chatted with my choreographer a bit. Turns out that He developed quite a fondness for hip hop culture as he studied it in college and on his own, which motivated him to start dancing. Now he dedicates himself to continuously further the art of hip hop dance whenever he has the time to do so. He’s got some undeniable passion and discipline. Haha, he also wants to go out drinking sometime after the performance in January. I am definitely looking forward to that!

On Monday, I enjoyed another cool first experience here . . . Footsol! Footsol is basically 5v5 soccer on a smaller field with a smaller ball and some of the minor rules are changed. So I went with a friend of my manager and he, as well as everyone else there, spoke and understood as much English as I do Japanese. He and everyone were really nice though and I had a really good time playing. It turned out to be a friendly tournament and with about 50 participants. I had the luck of being on the strongest team as we won the tournament 0_0 I wasn’t a starter for our team or anything, but I was ok with that. Footsol can be REALLY tiring if you aren’t conditioned for it and I was grateful to have been invited out and allowed to participate in the first place. Afterward, My manager’s friend took me to this restaurant at a market in Yokohama that had US portions of food at U.S. prices. I freakin gorged myself LOL. It was a great time and I was glad to have made a new friend. Ha plans to join my manager and I for snowboarding in the winter.

The workweek started off well enough. Due to all the work I was able to accomplish last week, I was able to majorly cut down on my normal weekly prep time. I easily finished everything today even though it was kinda hectic. Hopefully “the sailing” continues to go smoothly. Businesswise, we are in a good place right now, so the pressure isn’t too high and everyone is in fair spirits. I hope we can keep it going.

So this week and next, parents will be coming into class with their kids. I’m a little nervous about it, but I actually had one today and it didn’t overly affect me in any ill manner. Actually, I didn’t notice the parents for most of the class. I hope all of them go this well or better.

Haha, another cute attack story happened today. My head teacher has this lesson for 5~6 year olds with two really cute students and one of them is an absolute doll. She seems to have gotten comfortable with me since she was in my group for the Halloween party and has been all smiles with me as a result. Well today she broke my cute-meter twice. First time was before one of my classes while I was playin around with my genius 5 year old. I was just goofing off and did something goofy with my hands and the girl totally cracked up from the other end of the lobby. The laugh was quite infectious and I quickly joined in with her. Then after class, my head teacher was doing the lesson review with the two (they were going over what animals say), and When the head teacher asked “what does a tiger say;” she said “ROARRRR” and kinda leaned in to him as if she were an intimidating animal herself. It was too much and I started cracking up . . . and her Mom (right next to me) did the same. I am so excited to teach her in the spring >_<

One thing I have wanted to mention, and always forgot, is a funny phenomenon I wasn’t expecting. I guess some older women here find it fashionable to dye their hair purple. I’m not talking subtle highlights either; I am talking about straight up in your face unnatural PURPLE. I have no problems with it, but am just simply amused by how the old ladies find it fashionable here while the old ladies in the US fuss at their kids or grandkids for “having crazy hair.” Definitely something to look for if you ever come out here.

Other than that all I well and I will keep it commin ^_^

Saturday, November 14, 2009

idiot boy!

So I got to video chat with my family in VA for two hours and reconnect with some other friends on skype. It was a wonderful experience and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to see everyone smiles in real time and “catch up.” I am looking forward to a lot more video chatting in the near future ^_^

Work was a bit bothersome for me today though. I was a bit on the tired side and it affected my last class. The teaching point for that class is kind of tricky for me to teach because I don't often use the “present perfect for continuation” that much when I speak, and I let myself get confused over a particular part of the lesson. I felt very ashamed because I think it looked really bad in front of the students. I hope that they didn't mind too much about my goof up. I did recover, but I still don’t like making mistakes like that. They are steps in the wrong direction -_- I will try to make sure THAT doesn’t happen again.

On a different note, I have come to a funny realization. The gym I frequent here is like my own personal version of that local bar where everyone knows eachother. It’s really like that show “Cheers.” Every time I go in there, the same group of older men is there talking amongst themselves between sets. They are pretty impressive though as a few of them actually out lift me. There are some other folks I see there often also and everybody is starting to be friendly with me. Today one of em even went out of his way to talk to me as I left. It was a good moment ^_^ It’s actually kind of comforting in a way.

Now I am off to bed to face a hopefully fun weekend . . .z z z ZZZ z z Z

Friday, November 13, 2009

None of my business

Today went fairly well! Once again I was able to get a lot finished due to the fact that I only taught two classes. My life up until April will be a lot more manageable at work since there is a lot less prep and unnecessary busy work I have to do around the office. Feels good to have so much done.

The classes I taught today were pretty interesting. It was actually the first time I taught them ever (formally). My head teacher had business at the head office and I took over his low intermediate and high beginner classes for the day. They went fine, but I had to slow down my speech some and simplify my words a bit. I’ll be good if I ever have to teach those classes again though.

A funny thing has come to pass at work. I taught my manager and assistant manager the meaning and different ways of telling someone “its none of your business.” It was a humorous event as they got it, but what is even funnier is that they have been using the phrase on me (accurately) ever since I taught them lol. I guess they learned too well haha. So, if you meet them, be sure to mind your own business =P

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Tis the end of my second day of the workweek and things are going pretty well. The weekend ended up being great and I had a good time of it. On Sunday, I went to the soccer game and had an absolute blast. It wasn’t too crowded, my head teacher and I had good seats, and the weather wasn’t too cold. Not only that, but the crowd seemed in high spirits also. As with baseball games, Japanese fans have a lot of chants to help bolster their team’s confidence. Loud rhythmic drumming, clapping, and a good portion of the crowd jumping to the beat accompany these chants. There are also a lot of giant flags being waved around. It is a wonder whether most of the fans even can see the game amidst all the activity. It was really cool to watch (my section wasn't at all involved hehe) though. Unfortunately, my town’s team lost, but the game wasn’t a wasted outing. I will definitely catch another soccer game should the opportunity arise.

On Monday, I was able to take care of cleaning my pad, running errands and doing some shopping with my coworker. It was a good time as we chatted away a big chunk of the afternoon picking up things we need and a gift for another co-worker. In the evening I was able to work out and then go rock climbing at the rock-climbing gym near me. It felt good, but I did a thorough job of exhausting myself and slept REALLY hard that evening haha.

Yesterday started off my week well. This week is counseling week and many parents will be coming in to talk about how their kids are doing, if they will be coming back for the next year, and if they want some extra study materials. I had two of these counseling sessions yesterday. I have to let you know how funny it was to me, that one was for my best student and the other for my worst. They both went better than I expected actually and the mom of my worst student even gave me permission to discipline her kid. I don’t plan to get any stricter with him though, but . . . it's a nice though lol. He isn’t a bad kid, just an uninterested student.

Classes went well enough. Though I kinda goofed in one of em -_- (mixed up my lesson days and did the review lesson a week early). It's a complicated explanation as to why, but the mistake was caught early enough to where I was able to catch them up on what they needed to know and they did fine up to that point in the lesson anyway. The rest of the classes went as usual and one of my adult students even bought some self-study material (makes my life easier in terms of “business”).

Today was really productive as I only had two (instead of up to 5) classes and got hella prep and things around the school done that will make life easier for me in the future. I also had a good time talking and goofing with my coworkers here and there. Work is pretty nice when it is quite and everyone still has a lot of work to do. Even though there were no kids’ classes yesterday, one of my cutest students came in. She lives one or two stations away on the subway and came in all by herself. Big brave girl eh (she’s ten)? We all felt really bad and I ended up hanging out with her for an hour till her dad came into pick her up. It was fun ^_^ The rest of the day went well enough and I even helped make another sale. I’m resting easy this week. I hope the rest of it goes well.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


The cutest thing that has happened to me here probably happened yesterday at work. So on Saturdays, I have nothing but adult classes, but one of my students brought her two-year-old daughter in with her. Some of you ought to know this girl I speak of as I have mentioned her before in the recent past by the way. Anywho, while Mom went to class, the assistant manager and I played babysitter and hung out with the kiddo. I didn’t really have to, but because I really adore this little one for some reason, I couldn’t resist hangin out. The assistant manager and I sat on our couch while she played with the toys and interacted with us. She did a lot of laughing and excited screaming and seemed to be having fun. She soon decided that she wanted to go to our kids’ room and wanted me to come with her. Since she speaks no English and very little Japanese, her method of beckoning me to come with her was to grab my hand and lead me to the room. Imagine a two year old leading a 26-year-old man by the hand to go play . . . cute huh?

After that, the manager asked me to take care of her by my self. We had ourselves some fun in the room until she decided she wanted to go back out to the lobby. We were out there for about 15 minutes before Mom’s class was over and while we were playing, I overheard my head teacher (in Japanese) say that I look like a dad. I liked the sound it. Hehe, all in all that hour totally made my Saturday. I hope Mom brings her in again sometime soon ^_^

The rest of work went really well and I joined my manager and a couple other students for dinner after work and nearby restaurant. I got a lot of Japanese listening practice (LOL), but was encouraged by how much I actually understood. I guess I am improving slowly but surely.

Today I am off to Nissan stadium (location of the 2002 world cup) to catch a Japan league soccer game. I have been looking forward to this since June and am excited to finally experience the place. I am considering whether or not to paint my body in the colors of the home team and just wear a speedo . . . just kidding . . . but seriously.

The rest of the weekend is looking like it will be nice and I am ready for what it has in store. I’ll let you know ^_^

Saturday, November 7, 2009


This entry marks the beginning of an attempt to change my daily routine here. On the days that I have no pressing plans after work, I will stay in the office until the Japanese staff leaves (which is consistently a pretty long time), and study Japanese or write an update . . . as I am now doing. Reason being is that I get no internet here and the staff is busy trying to close up, so I won’t have any distractions from taking care of things that require more attention than facebook and internet antics.

Life since my last update, life has been pretty good. Last weekend I got to enjoy a three-day weekend and made good use of it. On Halloween I went to another school’s Halloween party and had a great time. I enjoyed meeting different staff and students and getting to know them a bit. Most of them were really nice and helped me have a good time. It was also cool to see what another school looked like and I was made really jealous by how much bigger a lot of the classrooms were than ours at Nakayama and that their AC was stronger. My envy isn’t very far reaching though. I like my staff and students too much to care bout room size or AC output.

After the school party, some friends and I headed to Tokyo to meet up with other friends and do some partying there. It was a pretty good time as ended up in a club that had good music, but was packed like sardines. I have to be sure to avoid clubbing here for big party holidays. Its as if there are no fire capacity laws here and I am getting over the fact real quick -_-

On Monday I headed to a city at the base of Mount Fuji with my head teacher to catch some different views of the fall leaves. It was absolutely breathtaking. I have never experienced the sight of fall leaves on this grand of a scale before. You know the colors I’m sure, and the sight stretched on for as far as the eye could see from the spots we stopped at. I will never forget the beauty of that day. I hope to share it with you sometime in some way.

On Tuesday, I went to Kamakura once again and was able to catch the “Grand Buddha” amidst perfect weather this time. I got some great pics and it was a good afternoon. Walking around the town afterward and having dinner was nostalgic for some reason though. I felt the same way I did as the times I walked the streets of Julian or Colonial Williamsburg. It was kinda cool. Imma have to go back next month to see other shrines and see how that feels lol.

Work has gone really well this week. It has been pretty “go go go” the whole time, but I am in good spirits and have been getting my rest. Relations with my co-workers and a large proportion of my students feel as if they are getting better and it makes me really happy. I am so thankful for the state of my life right now and I plan to keep working hard in order to feel like I have earned this sense of satisfaction. I know I am far from being a good teacher, and I will continue to strive for being the best I can possibly be. I want my students to be the most accomplished of any that study the language. I will do my best and we shall see how I do.

A freakin cute thing happened today though. I was teaching my 6-7 year old class and I was at the part of the lesson where we were going over letters. For kids that young, we have a letter song to help them remember letters and their specific sound in a somewhat enjoyable fashion. Ex: “I says ih ih ih, I says ih ih ih, I says ih ih ih, I is found in . . . (and choose a word the starts with I).” Well I was at a loss for a word they would understand and as I was searching my brain for a good choice, one of my girls said “igirisu.” Igirisu is the Japanese word for England and the phonetic start is exactly the same as “I”. I was overcome laughter and congratulated her on her creativity. It was an exceptionally cute teacher moment.

For the oncoming weekend I have no plans beyond hip-hop and living life to the fullest. I’ll let you know how it goes ^_^